Python Data Libraries

This is part of the “Intro to Data Analysis with Python” series of posts, with content from the Enki app. If you stumbled upon this, you could start from the beginning.

Libraries are groups of pre-written code often referred to as modules.

You can import the libraries and use their modules in your code.

A module is a file with Python code that contains one or more variables, functions, and classes.

For instance, Python comes with a built-in Standard Library. This library provides several built-in modules.

Among them, we have built-in functions, constants, types, exceptions, and so on...

This library is very extensive. Some functions included there are:

Func Name Brief Explanation Example
print() Used to print a message print("Hello World")
dict() Used to create a dictionary d = dict(name="Stefan", age=27)
abs() Get the absolute value of a number abs(-5)

💡 To view the full list of modules from the standard library check out the Learn more section.

Functions from the standard library are always available.

The ones that don't fall in the standard library category are the community-driven libraries.

Here're some well-known libraries for data analysis which we will use throughout this course:

  • matplotlib is used to create visualizations.
  • numpy makes working with arrays much easier and faster than Python lists.
  • pandas has many useful tools used for data analysis.

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Stefan Stojanovic

Content Manager

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