Is SQL Case Sensitive?

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Understanding case sensitivity in SQL is more than just an academic exercise—it's a practical necessity for anyone who works with databases. Because the way case sensitivity is handled can vary significantly across different Database Management Systems (DBMSs), being aware of these nuances can save a lot of headaches down the line.

Variation Across DBMSs:

Different DBMSs like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MS SQL Server don't treat case sensitivity in the same way.

For instance, PostgreSQL is case-insensitive by default for identifiers unless they are quoted. That means if you create a table named Employees and then try to query it as employees, PostgreSQL will happily return the results.

On the flip side, MySQL's case sensitivity depends on the operating system it's running on. For example, MySQL running on a case-sensitive OS like Linux will differentiate between Employees and employees, whereas on Windows, it won't.

Last but not least, MS SQL Server can be configured for either case sensitivity or insensitivity, offering a degree of flexibility (source).

Impact on Database Operations:

Knowing the specific case sensitivity rules of the DBMS you're using is not just for the sake of trivia—it's essential for smooth database operations.

Say you're running a case-sensitive PostgreSQL database and you frequently need to match table or column names; a common pitfall is running into errors simply because of a mismatch in casing.

If your query expects a column named EmployeeName and it was defined as employeename, you'd run into issues. This can be frustrating, especially when quick data retrieval and manipulation are crucial.

Consistent Naming Conventions:

Adopting a consistent naming convention is one of the easiest ways to sidestep problems related to case sensitivity.

Whether you go for all lowercase or all uppercase, consistency here significantly reduces the chances of errors creeping in.
Plus, it makes your SQL code more readable and easier to maintain. Having clearly defined naming conventions can be a lifesaver, particularly when collaborating with team members.

Understanding SQL Case Sensitivity

Definition of case sensitivity in programming languages, specifically SQL:

When we talk about case sensitivity in programming languages, we're referring to the ability of the language to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.

Take Python, for example—if you define a variable Name, you can't later refer to it as name or NAME. They'd be treated as entirely different variables. This is a common concept in many programming languages including our topic of interest, SQL.

In the context of SQL, case sensitivity varies depending upon the database management system (DBMS) in use, the context of the SQL statement like keywords, table names, and column names, and the operating system it's running on. Let's break it down:

So, what can you do to minimize these issues?

Best Practices:

Getting a grip on case sensitivity will make your SQL queries more reliable, your database operations smoother, and your life as an SQL developer a whole lot easier.

General Rules for SQL Case Sensitivity

SQL Keywords

SQL keywords are generally not case-sensitive across major Database Management Systems (DBMSs) like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, and Oracle. This means whether you write SELECT, select, or SeLeCt, the functionality of your SQL queries stays unaffected. A useful reference can be found on LearnSQL. Here's a simple example to illustrate this:

SELECT * FROM employees;
select * from employees;

Both of these queries will yield the same result.

For readability, it’s often recommended to write SQL keywords in uppercase. This practice helps to distinguish keywords from identifiers more easily, improving code readability. It is also considered a best practice in team environments to maintain a consistent style, which enhances collaboration and maintenance of SQL code.

Table and Column Names

Different DBMSs handle case sensitivity for table and column names in varied ways, so it's crucial to understand these rules to avoid errors and make your SQL code more portable.


PostgreSQL defaults to treating unquoted identifiers as lowercase. That means if you create a table named Employees, it will be interpreted as employees in queries unless explicitly quoted. If quotes are used, case sensitivity is preserved, differentiating between Employees and employees. You can read more in the PostgreSQL documentation.


MySQL's behavior varies based on the operating system. On Unix-based systems, it treats table and column names as case-sensitive, which means Employees and employees are different tables. On Windows-based systems, MySQL is case-insensitive, treating Employees and employees as the same table because of Windows' default case insensitivity. More details can be found on LearnSQL's blog.

SQL Server

By default, SQL Server treats table and column names as case-insensitive, although this can be modified via collation settings. Using a collation like Latin1_General_CS_AS will enforce case sensitivity (source).


Oracle works a bit differently. Unquoted identifiers are treated as uppercase by default, so a table name Employees is automatically converted to EMPLOYEES. However, quoted identifiers maintain their case sensitivity. If you create a table "Employees", it remains Employees. More about this can be found on LearnSQL.

Other DBMSs

Some other significant DBMSs like Snowflake and SAP HANA exhibit similar case sensitivity behaviors:

Enhance Your SQL Skills with Enki's Comprehensive Courses

If you're interested in mastering SQL, especially understanding the nuanced aspects of case sensitivity, then you should [sign up for Enki’s interactive SQL courses](
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Cătălin Buruiană

Lead Engineer

Lead engineer @Enki; SQL Mentor; AI/CV enthusiast

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